Making a difference for our future

Senior Leaders

The senior leadership team includes Miss Thomas (Headteacher), Mr Port (Deputy Headteacher), Miss Mellersh and Mrs Rowntree.

Miss Thomas and Mr Port are the designated safeguard leads (DSLs)

Miss Thomas (DSL)

I joined the Senior Leadership Team in 2002 as Deputy Head and my roles and responsibilities have changed several times since then! I am Head Teacher of Meadowside. I no longer have a class of my own, but have taught Reception, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 5 in previous years here. Although I am responsible for all staff and children, I have particular responsibility for school data – analysing and monitoring it, and comparing our performance against local and national standards. I also oversee Pupil Achievement and Progress across the school. I enjoy working with the Governing Body on a regular basis, to develop our school and move it forward. I’m passionate about my role in school as I know I’m Making a Difference for the pupils here every day. I’m also really lucky that we have a staff team who are inspirational to work with.

Mr Port (DDSL)

I joined the leadership team in September 2012. I am thoroughly enjoying my role as deputy head and I work alongside Miss Thomas to develop our school. I have particular interest in developing teaching and learning across our school. Working with a dedicated and enthusiastic team of adults at Meadowside is what I enjoy most on our continual quest for inspiring the children at our school.

Mrs Whitlock (Inclusion)

Mrs Whitlock, our Head of Inclusion and member of the Senior Leadership Team, joined Meadowside in 2008. She has taught across all year groups during this time, from Reception to Year 6! This makes her experience and skills set perfect for this incredibly important role at Meadowside. 

Mrs Whitlock’s primary role is to work with children, families and external agencies to ensure the children are accessing correct and well delivered support through the graduated pathway. 

Her role of Head of Inclusion also includes: delivering CPD to staff, managing a very talented group of 1:1 teaching assistants, learning mentor, pastoral support, SENDco and Thrive.


Miss Mellersh

Like Mr Port, I joined the leadership team in September 2012.. As well as this, I am part of the school PTA, Friends of Meadowside, so I am involved with many different aspects of school life! In all my roles I work with dedicated people who are determined to make the children’s school life entertaining, fun and, most of all, enlightening!