The intent of our Meadowside Computing Curriculum is to shape children that are:
· programmers that can negotiate problems
· flexible learners that can use a variety of software applications
· citizens that are equipped to stay safe in a digital world
For each subject, we use an aspirational Golden Thread statement that is important to our school vision and values at Meadowside. We have considered how each subject can help the children in their journey to secondary school and beyond.
Our Meadowside Golden Thread for Computing is:
To be responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.
At Meadowside Primary School, we teach computing separately to our main topic themes. We use Purple Mash as our primary teaching tool, as well as Scratch and the Microsoft Applications. Our curriculum carefully follows a progression of knowledge and skills based on National Curriculum objectives. In computing lessons, children will use a desktop PC in order to access the range of software needed to support their learning. We believe that Online Safety is essential in ensuring children are safe in the digital world and we recognise that the best prevention for a lot of issues we currently see with technology/social media is through education. Online Safety is both embedded within lessons where appropriate and taught discreetly using a scheme which teachers in Gloucester schools have developed called Digital Futures.
Reception Computing long term plan
Year 1 Computing long term plan
Year 2 Computing long term plan
Year 3 Computing long term plan
Year 4 Computing long term plan
Year 5 Computing long term plan
Year 6 Computing long term plan
The children are assessed throughout the year by their class teacher, based on the work being produced in class. Three times a year, the Computing subject leader will hold a pupil voice session to moderate the assessment judgements made by the class teacher. This gives our subject leader the chance to see strengths and areas for development in the teaching and learning of Computing at Meadowside.
How can I support my child with computing?
Technology is all around us and sometimes children can appear to know more about technology than adults! In a changing world, we are faced with rapid leaps in technology that is a challenge for parents, teachers and the children to keep up with.
As a parent, your first and most important responsibility is to ensure your child is safe online. The NSPCC has an excellent library of information on how to keep your child safe and includes adding parental controls to personal devices: Keeping children safe online | NSPCC
Computing has a strong relationship with Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM). By fostering your child’s curiosity in these subjects, they will learn to make links between them. Here are a few ideas to get those creative juices flowing at home!
· Build a den and talk about its structure
· Lego is a wonderful way into engineering
· Visit the Clifton Suspension Bridge and Science museum in Bristol
· Create a junk modelling challenge
· Take a walk down your road and look at the designs of the buildings
· Take a trip to the Waterways Museum at Gloucester Docks
· Visit your local library and borrow a book about inventions, engineering or scientists
· Take something apart and try and put it back together again!
With your child alongside you, use their login to Purple Mash and ask them to show you what they have been learning about at school. This will help support your child in their understanding of coding and programming, information databases, software development and computer networks.
At Meadowside, we use desktop PCs which have keyboards and mouses. They can be unfamiliar to children because most of them are used to touch screen technology. If you have access to a PC at home, at work or are able to visit a library, we would recommend them having a go with a mouse and keyboard before or during their first year at Meadowside (reception).
Useful websites
STEM Learning is the home of STEM