Making a difference for our future

Contact us

Meadowside Primary School
Elmore Lane East
Tel: 01452 721767
Fax: 01452 729159

Headteacher: Miss.S.J.Thomas
School Secretaries: Ms S Noble and Mrs K Wilks

SENDCO (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator): Mrs V Whitlock. Please contact the school office to make an appointment.

Sat Nav will take you to Old Elmore Lane which does not give you access to our school by car. Please turn into Merlin Drive via the traffic lights on the B4008. The school is signposted from here.

The school car park is restricted to staff and visitors only or parents with permission to use the school car park for accessibility reasons. 

Our building is on one floor with unrestricted access for the disabled. If you have a blue disabled badge for your car, or mobility issues, please park in the disabled bay, just outside the front door.

The designated safeguard leads are Miss Thomas (Head) and Mr Port (Deputy Head)