Making a difference for our future

School Meals

We are able to provide hot meals through our catering contractor Caterlink. Hot meals include a choice of a hot dish, a choice of sweet and optional side dishes of salad, fresh fruit and bread. The cost of a meal is currently £2.54.

The latest menu can be found here: GCC Autumn/Winter Menu 2024-2025

We use the ‘Parent Pay’ system to purchase school meals. Please visit for more details.

We have a team of midday supervisors who encourage the children to eat their lunches and then supervise their play.

Children are encouraged to bring a healthy snack, such as fruit, to school for morning playtime. Key Stage One children have fruit provided for their afternoon snack.

We currently offer free school meals to all children in Key Stage 1. Children that are eligible for Pupil Premium also have access to free school meals.