Year 3 - Elm
Year 3 includes children from 7-8 years of age. We are encouraging children to become more independent learners developing a positive approach to all aspects of school life as they begin their journey into Key Stage 2. We plan a creative curriculum and include a variety of trips and real-life experiences.
Mrs Bouvier joined the school in 2001 and is our PE coordinator. She works incredibly hard to make sure all the children get to experience positive and competitive sporting moments across the school She is also the Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) coordinator.
“I love my job and working at Meadowside , a school where learning is fun and we can offer children a wealth of experience. We all work together as a team to find new ways of making learning exciting and stimulating. Its a great place to be!”
Year 4 - Willow
Year 4 includes children from 8-9 years of age. They build on their previous skills, knowledge and understanding and, by the end of the year, are ready to move on to the final phase of their Primary School life. Year 4 is a special year because the children have their first opportunity to take part in a residential visit, enjoying three days of activities in a new environment. This has been a successful venture for several years, which the children have enjoyed immensely. They gain confidence and independence through new experiences and teamwork.
Mrs Reed Teachers Monday – Wednesday and Mr Port teaches Thursday and Friday
Mrs Reed works Monday – Wednesday in Year 4.
Mr Port, who is the Deputy Head and has been with the school since 2008, coordinates the girls’ and boys’ football and cricket teams, is the Curriculum Leader, Computing subject leader and is part of the Senior Leadership Team. Mr Port is enthusiastic about children’s interests and never runs out of energy in the classroom! He really makes sure people make the most of every day. Mr Port works Thursday – Friday in Year 4.
“I love my job and working at Meadowside with such fantastic children and adults is a privilege. Working with the children to achieve their goal and having fun along the way is my ethos!”
Year 3 and 4 Support Staff
Year 3 and Mrs Bouvier are exceptionally well supported by Mrs Joyner who joined Meadowside in 2000 and is a professionally qualified Teaching Assistant. There is nobody who finds it easier to make the staff and children laugh at Meadowside. She should have been called Mrs Joyful! Mrs Joyner participates in the English Team and helps lead Religious Education at our School.
“I enjoy working at Meadowside. My role is very rewarding and diverse – no two days are the same! It is a pleasure to be part of the Meadowside family.”
Year 4 are enthusiastically supported by the excellent Mrs Stevens a professionally qualified Teaching Assistant who joined Meadowside in 2003 and has experience in EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Keys stage 2. Mrs Stevens is qualified in Thrive and helps develop confident and resilient children.
“I love my job and look forward to work every day! I enjoy helping children to reach their potential in all aspects of their school life. I like being part of the development of a great school.”
Mrs Weaving joined Meadowside in 2018 and has worked primarily in Key Stage 1. Mrs Weaving’s kind and caring approach ensures that children flourish under her care. She has an excellent set of skills are powerful across all ages in at our school.
Year 5 - Maple
Year 5 includes children in the age range from 9-10 years old. At this stage our primary role is to encourage children to take greater ownership of their learning and to increase their independence. This goal is achieved within a happy and secure environment in preparation for entry to Year 6. Highlights of Year 5 are the opportunity to embrace topic work in all subjects, exciting and purposeful trips and the chance to become involved in more extra-curricular activities such as boys’ and girls’ football and cricket.
Mrs Allen teaches Tuesday – Friday in Year 5
Mr Jones joined us in Spring 2022 and teaches on Mondays in Year 5, as well as Forest School to different year groups on a Wednesday Afternoon. His wide range of skills and enthusiasm means he is the perfect fit for our school.
“After spending time teaching a number of year groups last year at Meadowside I found myself wanting to stay at such a welcoming, nurturing and fun school. An opportunity arose for me to continue being part of the Meadowside family and I look forward to making many more happy memories here.”
Year 6 - Yew
Year 6 covers children in the age range from 10 – 11. At this stage much of the work integrates preparation for the children in their journey to senior schools. End of Key Stage 2 SATs occur in May. Highlights of Year 6 include the three day residential and the Year 6 production at the end of the year. We approach topic work with great enthusiasm and encourage the children to be creative as possible, across the whole curriculum.
The Year 6 teachers are Mrs Davies (Monday – Wednesday) and Mrs Whitlock (Thursday – Friday)
Mrs Davies joined us in 2014 and has built up a wealth of experience across all classes. She is the Art Subject Leader and is inspirational and creative in this role. Mrs Davies has and excellent sense of humour and a passion for pets: Arthur the tortoise is a current resident in the classroom! She works Monday – Wednesday in Year 6.
“I feel incredibly lucky to work at Meadowside. We support each other and work together to become the best that we can be. I love helping children to reach their goals and being able to celebrate their successes.”
Mrs Whitlock, Year 6 teacher and our Head of Inclusion, joined Meadowside in 2008. Mrs Whitlock is also the Music Subject Leader and is perfect this role as she adores the arts! She has taught across all year groups during this time, from Reception to Year 6! This makes her experience and skills set perfect for this incredibly important role at Meadowside.
“I look forward to coming to work! Meadowside is a special place where we care for one another and always seek to draw out talent from each and every individual. We are a happy smiley school.”
Read more about Mrs Whitlock’s role as Head of Inclusion here.
Year 5 and 6 Support Staff
Mrs Phillips, who joined us at the start of September 2022, has around five years experience working within a primary school across all age groups, as a Class Teaching Assistant, 1:1 Teaching Assistant and Midday Supervisor.
‘I’ve always believed it to be such a privilege to work with young people on their early journey through education and learning, and I am very much looking forward to supporting the pupils at Meadowside, and working alongside such a fantastic team of colleagues.”
As well as his teaching commitment to Year 5, Mr Jones supports the children in Year 6 as a Teaching Assistant.
“After spending time teaching a number of year groups last year at Meadowside I found myself wanting to stay at such a welcoming, nurturing and fun school. An opportunity arose for me to continue being part of the Meadowside family and I look forward to making many more happy memories here.”
Mrs Knill joined us in April 2024 and works Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in Year 6.